Webinar Series on Public Transportation/Shared Mobility Partnerships
As part of its efforts to support innovation among public transportation agencies across the country, FTA hosted two webinars in October 2019 to highlight current practices in partnerships between transit and shared mobility providers, share lessons learned from the Mobility on Demand Sandbox program and provide additional resources.
Data Sharing in Transit/Shared Mobility Partnerships
2 p.m. ET October 16, 2019
This session highlighted practices around the establishment of data sharing arrangements in partnerships between public transportation providers and shared mobility companies. Transit agency representatives shared their experiences in negotiating data arrangements. FTA outlined agency requirements for data storage and management and discussed the reporting of data from such partnerships in the National Transit Database.
Speakers included:
- David Schneider: Office of Research, Demonstration and Innovation, Federal Transit Administration
- Emma Huang: Office of Extraordinary Innovation, LA Metro
- Abby Chazanow: Innovation Program, Sound Transit
- Jean Paul Velez: Innovative Mobility Program, King County Metro
- Alfredo Torales, City of Santa Monica’s Big Blue Bus
- Murtaza Naqvi: Office of Strategic Planning and Analysis, Federal Transit Administration
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Compliance with FTA Requirements in Transit/Shared Mobility Partnerships
2 p.m. October 23, 2019
In this session, FTA provided an overview of the application of drug and alcohol testing, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, and other requirements in transit agency partnerships with shared mobility providers. Local agencies advancing promising practices in these areas were highlighted. FTA shared resources to provide additional information and guidance in the successful management of these requirements.
Speakers included:
- John Andoh, The Comet
- Bonnie Graves, Office of the Chief Counsel, Federal Transit Administration
- Penny Grellier, Pierce Transit
Read the transcript | View PDF presentation | Watch the presentation
For additional information contact Hendrik.Opstelten@dot.gov.