TAM Peer Library: Samples from the Field
This peer library offers a resource to exchange information about transit asset management. Please consider submitting a document for your peers to learn from. Some suggested topics are listed below, but any relevant peer resource can be shared.
- Procurement Department’s role in TAM as part of your Identification of Resources
- RFPs for TAM software procurement
- Targets
Posting these documents does not constitute an endorsement from FTA that they meet the requirements set forth in the TAM final rule. FTA maintains the authority to post or remove resources; see disclaimer below.
Asset Inventories
- Alaska DOT:
- Union County Public Transit (OR):
Condition Assessment
- LBT (Long Beach Transit, Long Beach CA):
- Condition Assessment - 2016
- MOVTA (Mid-Ohio Valley Transit Authority, Parkersburg WV):
- RTD (Regional Transportation District, Denver CO):
- SARTA (Stark Area Regional Transit Authority, Stark County OH):
Capital Improvement Plans
- BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit, San Francisco CA):
Performance Targets
- CMAP (Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, Chicago IL)
- Iowa DOT
- Puget Sound Regional Council (Seattle WA):
State/Transit Agency/MPO Coordination
- Iowa DOT
In addition, APTA's Standards Development Program has developed recommended practices.