NTD Transit Agency Profiles
The table below contains links to view transit agency profiles by report year for all agencies filing an Annual NTD Report. Profiles contain general agency information, financial, and modal data, as well as performance and trend indicators. You can locate an agency by navigating through the table, filtering by column header, state drop down or by searching the agency's name, city, or five-digit NTD ID number. National and reporter-type specific profiles are available on the Summary Profiles Page.
Title Sort descending | Region | City | State |
City of McFarland | Region 9 | Mc Farland | California |
City of McKinney | Region 6 | Mckinney | Texas |
City of Mechanicville | Region 2 | Mechanicville | New York |
City of Medford | Region 5 | Medford | Wisconsin |
City of Melvindale | Region 5 | Melvindale | Michigan |
City of Memphis | Region 4 | Memphis | Tennessee |
City of Merrill | Region 5 | Merrill | Wisconsin |
City of Mesquite | Region 6 | Mesquite | Texas |
City of Michigan | Region 5 | Michigan City | Indiana |
City of Middletown | Region 5 | Middletown | Ohio |
City of Midland | Region 5 | Midland | Michigan |
City of Milton-Freewater | Region 10 | Milton Freewater | Oregon |
City of Milwaukee | Region 5 | Milwaukee | Wisconsin |
City of Minot | Region 8 | Minot | North Dakota |
City of Miramar | Region 4 | Miramar | Florida |
City of Mitchell | Region 5 | Mitchell | Indiana |
City of Mitchell - Palace Transit | Region 8 | Mitchell | South Dakota |
City of Mobile | Region 4 | Mobile | Alabama |
City of Modesto | Region 9 | Modesto | California |
City of Monroe | Region 5 | Monroe | Wisconsin |