Accessing National Transit Database (NTD) Safety and Security Event Data
This page describes data collected and released by the National Transit Database (NTD) program regarding safety and security events occurring on public transit systems in the United States. For more information about reporting requirements, please consult the most recent NTD Safety and Security Reporting Manual.
Monthly Data Release
On a monthly basis, FTA updates six files containing Safety and Security (S&S) data across the NTD program website and, the US DOT Public Data Portal.
Monthly Safety and Security data are released within three months of being reported to the NTD.
These S&S datasets present or summarize data reported by urban public transportation agencies operating more than 30 vehicles in peak service, as follows:
- Safety & Security Threshold Adjusted Time Series: includes total counts for events, injuries, and fatalities for both Major and Non-Major S&S events. It presents data by calendar year/transit agency/mode, from 2002-present, and breaks totals down by category such as event type and person type. FTA makes adjustments within this file to preserve historical consistency in data reporting requirements, especially around non-major event reporting thresholds.
- Safety & Security Major-Only Time Series includes total counts for events, injuries, and fatalities for Major S&S events only. It provides the same format as the threshold adjusted time series but includes only events meeting a Major Event reporting threshold from 2002 to present. Major Events involve fatalities or critical injuries requiring medical transport away from the scene.
- Major Safety Events contains detailed data from 2014 to present for individual events meeting a major reporting threshold which underlie the Major-Only Time Series. There is one entry per event. Each entry includes the unique date, time, transit agency, mode, and location at which each event occurred, as well as a description of the event.
- Non-Major Safety Events provides counts of reportable occurrences or safety incidents per month that do not meet a major reporting threshold, and the number of injuries occurring during these events where an individual was immediately transported away from the scene for medical attention. There will be one entry for any transit mode/location with at least one occurrence for the given month from 2008-present.
- Monthly Modal Time Series contains both monthly ridership and S&S public transit time series data, delineated by transit/agency/mode/year/month, from 2014 to present. The statistics provided include both Major and Non-Major Events where applicable, making it the only data publication containing both Major and Non-Major transit worker assault data. This is also the only NTD safety data publication in which totals are presented without any transformation for continuity with historical reporting thresholds.
- FRA Regulated Security Events includes event data reported to the National Transit Database (NTD) for FRA regulated systems reporting to the NTD, which are excluded from other products. These include all Commuter Rail (CR) and Alaska Railroad (AR) modes, as well as specific heavy rail and hybrid rail services.
Annual Data Release
On an annual basis, FTA releases the following files:
- Reduced Reporter Safety Information contains safety event, injury, and fatality totals reported annually by rural and reduced urban reporters (with less than 30 vehicles operated in maximum service; those agencies not contained in the monthly data releases) for the given report year (appearing in the title of the file).
- Transit Agency Security Personnel counts personnel involved in security for transit systems as of the beginning of the calendar year, by mode.