FTA Census Map
FTA has created an interactive map to view the U.S. Census Bureau's designated Urban Areas, NTD Reporters, and other relevant data. The map includes both 2020 and 2010 Census data and can be used as a resource for NTD reporters, data users, and transit industry stakeholders.
Access the Census Map
FTA Census Map: Access the Census Map here via Esri's ArcGIS Online Map Viewer tool.
Using the Census Map
Interactive Census Map Access Guide: An interactive guide to using the FTA Census Map to aid in NTD reporting. This guide includes an introduction to navigating the map, changing the visibility of data layers on the map, and using the map for B-15 reporting purposes.
Static Census Map Access Guide: A static, text-based guide to using the FTA Census Map. This guide includes screenshots.
Map Details and Data
FTA Census Map Information: Find details about the FTA Census Map here, including downloadable data layers, view count, and creation/update dates.
The FTA Census Map layers have been updated as of November 2024 with the most recent 2023 Agency Information data.
Additional Census Resources
Publications such as the 2020 Census Changes UZA/Population File, webinars on the impacts of the 2020 Census on NTD Reporting, and Census FAQs can be found here on FTA's Census Updates page.