SFMTA EEO Compliance Review
Location: San Francisco, CA
Date of Final Report: July, 2011
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) Transmittal Letter
June 14, 2011
Mr. Nathaniel F. Ford, Sr.
Executive Director/CEO
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
One South Van Ness Avenue, Seventh Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103
Re: EEO Compliance Review of San Francisco MTA- Final Report
Dear Mr. Ford:
Thank you for the cooperation that you and your staff provided during the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Compliance Review of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) conducted from June 2-4, 2009. Enclosed is the Final Report that will be posted along with other final Compliance Reviews on the FT A website.
We are very pleased to note that there are no outstanding deficiencies. Should you have any questions about the enclosed report, or this letter, please contact Anita Heard at (202) 493-0318.
Linda Ford
Acting Director Office of Civil Rights
Cc: Mr. Leslie Rogers, Regional Administrator, FTA Region IX
Mr. Derrin Jourdan, Civil Rights Officer, FT A Region IX
Ms. Anita Heard, FT A Office of Civil Rights
Ms. Virginia Harmon, Senior Manager, Equal Opportunity Office, SFMT A
Ms. Maxine Marshall, The DMP Group