CCAM Federal Fund Braiding Guide
Federal fund braiding for local match allows grant recipients to use funds from one federal program to meet the match requirements of another. The CCAM Federal Fund Braiding Guide provides information to potential grantees as well as CCAM agency program managers on acceptable Federal fund braiding arrangements on transportation-related projects. The guide defines Federal fund braiding for local match and examines whether Federal fund braiding is allowable for 61 programs across CCAM agencies that may fund transportation.
Note: There are two sides to cost-share from a transactional perspective: the program receiving the cost share, and the program(s) contributing the cost share. In general, if either the receiving or contributing program statute provides specific authorization related to using Federal funds as cost share from, or for, other federal programs, it would be allowable (at least absent an express prohibition on using federal funds as a cost share in the other applicable program statute). Affirmative statutory authorization would need to be identified in one statute or the other to overcome the default prohibition against this practice under OMB’s cost principles in 200.403(f). (Provided by OMB Deputy Controller, Office of Federal Financial Management and COFFA Chairperson on 10/11/2024)