NTD Data Products - Frequently Asked Questions
Monthly ridership data is published on a two-month lag due to submission due dates and validation. Please visit the NTD Data page for the most recent Monthly Ridership data products.
The annual NTD Data Products are published each fall. For example, the 2022 NTD Data Products will be available in Fall of 2023, typically in October or November. However, monthly data products, including service data is published more frequently and can be found here.
The NTD currently does not identify which NTD reporters are Direct vs Sub-Recipients. However, a list of current public NTD Reporters can be found in the NTD Agency Information Database file.
The Monthly Raw Data Release contains monthly-updated service information reported by urban Full Reporters, released before adjustments. The Monthly Module Adjusted Data Release Contains monthly-updated service information reported by urban Full Reporters, released after adjustments. For instance, the adjusted data release includes estimates for missing UPT and VRM data in the two most recent report years. Estimates are calculated based on the monthly modal growth rates from an industry-wide sample of transit agencies. Any data value that appears in the adjusted data release that does not appear in the Raw Database Time Series is based on a growth estimate developed by FTA. The strength of each estimate improves when the population of agencies reporting in the prior period is larger.
Safety and Security data are published several months after the initial collection. This allows for validation and review of each report. The most recent month’s data can be found on the NTD Data page of the NTD website, which is typically four months after collection.
The “Metrics” Data Table includes metrics describing service consumption and service cost for each public transportation agency, by mode and type of service.
The NTD does not collect project level details. Instead, the NTD collects aggregate transit statistics about system totals (e.g., all project funding expenses accrued in a given year for all projects).
When reporting to NTD, Full Reporters report scheduled service. Scheduled service is the total service to be provided for picking up, transporting, and discharging passengers. The main difference between scheduled and actual service data is that Scheduled service does not consider service interruptions or special additional services, which makes it unlikely for actual revenue miles to be greater than scheduled service miles.
In the Agency Mode Type of Service database file, column M “Service Type” shows “Capital only” modes that are not yet in service but are being built as of the end of that given fiscal year.
Motor Bus (MB), Commuter Bus (CB), Bus Rapid Transit (RB), Jitney (JT), and Publico (PB). All Rail modes and Ferry Boat (FB) are also considered fixed route services.
The Annual Database Service file contains operating statistics reported by mode and type of service. These data are categorized by day and time period. This file contains all service data points including Vehicle Revenue Miles and Vehicle Revenue Hours.
In the Revenue Vehicle Inventory database file, the total number of active vehicles with a Useful Life Benchmark (Column S) is a representation of revenue vehicles for which the agency has capital responsibility.
All agencies that report having a Group Plan Sponsor are included in the latest publication of the Annual Database Group Plan Sponsors file. This file will include the agency name as well as the sponsor agency name.
All agencies must report accurate and truthful service data in a uniform manner. FTA mandates that almost all service data be collected and recorded daily so that the data are 100 percent accurate. For example, agencies must collect and record 100 percent of all miles and hours vehicles travel in revenue service. FTA does not allow agencies to estimate these data. However, FTA recognizes that certain statistics are challenging to collect and can drastically increase the reporting burden for transit agencies. To assist reporters who would find conducting 100 percent count burdensome, transit agencies may estimate Unlinked Passenger Trips (UPT) and PMT through sampling.
The contents of this document do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public in any way. This document is intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies.