Recent NTD Developments - Frequently Asked Questions
Please refer to this page for links to the most recently published Federal Register Notices pertaining to NTD reporting.
2023-2024 NTD Annual Requirements
You can find a reference document here for a crosswalk of CDPs to counties by state to review while completing the B-15 form. To visualize CDPs and county boundaries, please refer to the FTA Census Map, which has map layers specific to each category.
Only static GTFS links are required to fulfill the reporting requirement. Agencies may provide GTFS-RT feeds, but this is optional.
Regional GTFS feeds will meet the requirement if all services are represented in the feed for each NTD reporting agency.
No, you are only required to certify annually with your NTD report, that your agency’s GTFS feeds are up-to-date.
Yes, any fixed route service, including deviated fixed route, is subject to the GTFS requirement. This includes urban and rural reporters.
Yes, agencies can find guidance on GTFS development and best practices at the National Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP) website. These resources are available to all transit agencies, not solely rural agencies. Please find the GTFS Builder here and the GTFS Builder Guidebook here. National RTAP hosts live weekly support sessions on Thursdays between 1:00-1:30 ET. For transit agencies located within California, assistance and resources are also available through Caltrans and Cal-ITP.
Yes, if any portion of your service is ADA, you should select “Yes” for Question 4 on the B-15 Form.
Yes, in most cases microtransit services are reported to the NTD as Demand Response. If you have any questions about a particular service, please contact your assigned NTD analyst to discuss.
The emergency contact must be a single person with an associated email and phone number. It should not represent a position or department as a whole.
For each vehicle fleet, you will report the associated Fuel Type on the A-30 Revenue Vehicle Inventory Form. The form will have a drop-down selection field for Fuel Type.
Weekly and Monthly Reporting
No, the WE-20 reporting requirement applies to full reporters, reduced reporters, tribal reporters, and rural reporters selected in the sample group.
Yes, if the service is public transit, you should include all Unlinked Passenger Trips in your WE-20 reporting.
If your agency is impacted by a natural disaster, please contact your assigned NTD analyst to notify them to discuss implications to reporting.
The WE-20 form should capture total UPT during the reference week.
Vanpool modes have the option to report Vehicles Operated in Maximum Service (VOMS) in lieu of reporting Vehicle Revenue Miles and Unlinked Passenger Trips.
No, the WE-20 requirement is a monthly submission of one week’s worth of VRM and UPT data.
No. FTA will choose the reference week and the dates associated with each reference week. This is typically the second full week of each month. These will be provided to agencies required to submit WE-20 forms at least 3 months in advance and published in the NTD Policy Manual.
NTD Staff contacted all agencies selected for the WE-20 reporting for the first three-year time period of 2023-2026. If you are unsure if you have been selected, please contact your assigned NTD analyst or email
Yes, agencies selected for WE-20 Reporting will be notified of which modes to submit. This may include Demand Response modes.
Yes, it is possible that your agency could be selected again in 2026.
You should report the actual vehicle revenue miles for the selected reference week.
Safety and Security - Assault on Transit Workers
For Full Reporters, the effective date for data collection and reporting of assault on transit worker events is April 2023. For example, an event occurring in March 2023 would not need to be classified as an Assault on a Transit Worker by the agency. An event occurring in April 2023 would need to include the detail of whether the assault was against a transit worker, and the reporting system has been updated to accommodate it. However, agencies may voluntarily choose to report events occurring in previous months in 2023.
For Reduced and Rural Reporters, the effective date for reporting of assault on transit worker events correspond to the annual reporting deadline of each agency for Report Year 2023.
FTA does not prescribe methods of data collection other than the data must meet the requirements set forth by the 2023 Safety & Security Reporting Policy manual. Per guidance regarding Event Description, the report should contain enough detail to verify that a transit worker has been assaulted. Examples of data collection methods can include police reports, reports or statements by passengers, or reports by transit workers.
How to make local stakeholders who are not involved in NTD reporting aware of the change is not in the domain of the NTD, but agencies can follow any best practices provided by FTA or recommended by the Transit Advisory Committee for Safety (TRACS) in this document.
The presence of an assault trumps reporting the event as vandalism. In other words, vandalism to transit property may happen during an Assault on a Transit Worker. These details should be described in the Event Description. If there was an attempt to vandalize property but no attempt to assault a worker and no direct endangerment to the worker or interference with the worker's duties, generally this can be reported as Vandalism.
Yes. Occupational safety events occurring in administrative buildings are generally not reportable to the NTD. This would include workplace violence events occurring solely within these buildings.
Agencies should use a reasonable level of effort to determine the reportability of an assault on a transit worker. Reports or statements by passengers or patrons are sources, as are CCTV, cell phone videos or pictures, or operator/worker account of the event. Best practices to respond to reports of assaults are identified in this report.
In general, NTD data is used as a source of published public information for any number of uses, supports the formulation of national policy, and aids in the appropriation FTA formula funds to transit agencies. This Assault on Transit Worker data collection directly supports the requirement for Safety Committees to set targets reducing risk for assaults on transit workers established by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). FTA will publish the data within existing safety data products found here.
Specifically, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law requires that the Safety Committees of recipients serving large urbanized areas establish performance targets for the safety risk reduction program using a 3-year rolling average of data submitted by the recipient to the NTD.
Generally, any person can commit an assault on a transit worker.
A Major event occurrence of an Assault on a Transit Worker (per definition) are those where one or more transit worker (per definition) are transported for medical attention.
A Non-major event occurrence of an Assault on a Transit Worker (per definition) are those where no injury (transport for medical attention) occurred.
If the transit worker is assaulted (see "Assault" definition) during the encounter, the event is reportable as either a non-major occurrence (no injury) or a major event (if transported for medical attention).
A physical assault is one where the assailant makes physical contact with the worker, including bodily contact (including saliva) or by any object, weapon, or projectile to do so. A Non-physical assault include verbal threats, harassment, or intimidation. For example: a transit rider attempts to strike a supervisor with a metal bar, but no physical contact was made would be categorized as a non-physical assault on a transit worker.
Yes. These individuals would be considered transit workers if they are volunteering for the agency. "Any employee, contractor, or volunteer working on behalf of the transit agency" would count.
At this time, FTA does not have a preset template for the S&S-50 or S&S-40 data collection. We are exploring a form template that will hopefully augment data collection in the future. PDF versions of the forms can be found online here.
Yes. The circumstance of transport away from the scene for medical attention determines whether to report a major or non-major event. The only exception is if a serious injury occurs. In that case, you should report a major event regardless of transport away from the scene.
No. You can use the "No Non-Major Assaults to Report" checkbox. You will be asked to confirm there were no Non-Major Assaults for the given month/mode.
Asset-only reporters have to report assault on transit workers data on the S&S-60 form as well as the count of major events, collisions, injuries, fatalities, and non-major injuries.
Not specifically. However, the Event Description field in the Major Event form, and the Additional Details section in the S&S-50 Non-Major form may be used to include this information.
Transit workers may be transported for mental health evaluation following an assault. Transport away from the scene for medical attention for trauma is required in order to report a Major Event with a Non-Physical Assault on a Transit Worker. Circumstances where transit workers who have a mental health evaluation or time off for mental health reasons unrelated to a specific event are not reportable.
Reduced Reporters must include Assault on Transit Workers in their 2023 Annual Reporting Package. If you do not have a process in place to collect this information for FY 2023, you may request a waiver from reporting these data. Please contact your annual NTD analyst to discuss.